The postal regulator, OFCOM, has developed a reputation for being hand in glove with the direction of travel set in motion by the privatisation of Royal Mail. Long-term pressure from shareholders wanting to make more for their investments has produced the problems outlined in the recent Panorama programme “Royal Mail: Where’s My Post?”: BBC One…
Trades Council hosts April meeting on “decent work”
On Thursday 18th April the Trades Council is hosting a meeting in Blackburn Library on the topic of “Decent Work – what can we do locally to promote it?“. It is scheduled to begin at 3pm and finish at 5pm, and the speakers will be: Dr Adrian Wright – Associate Dean of the School of…
Trades Council responds to Lancashire “devolution” plan
Blackburn and District Trades Union Council has responded to the Lancashire “devolution” proposals by raising several issues around economic development and public engagement. The Trades Council’s approach to the linked issues of devolution, regional economic development, the legacy of de-industrialisation, “left-behind” communities, and regaining economic growth, is that: A) British governments consistently underestimate the scale…
Trades Council responds to consultation on use of Agency staff to strike-break
January’s Trades Council meeting agreed a response to be submitted in response to the Government’s “consultation” on “Hiring agency staff to cover industrial action”. We are by no means convinced that those in power give anything but the most cursory attention to what they receive during these exercises, but they do at least provoke us…
“Back to Work” plan and Trades Council response to WCA consultation
Ahead of this year’s Autumn Statement, Mel Stride, the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, unveiled a new initiative called the ‘Back to Work’ plan. The aim of the package is to focus on the over 1 million people who are either long-term unemployed or have long-term health conditions or disabilities and who depend…
Trades Council October 2023. Guest speaker – Jamie Woodcock
Last May the Department for Business and Trade reported that the proportion of British employees who were Trade Union members had fallen to 22.3% in 2022 – down from 23.1% in 2021. This was the second successive year where the proportion had declined, and these years represented the lowest two British union membership rates on…
Government takes steps to implement the Strikes (Minimum Service Levels) Act
September’s Trades Council meeting received a report on the progress being made by the Government in implementing the Strikes (Minimum Service Levels) Act 2023. For the provisions of the Act to take effect there will need to be a proclamation, by regulation, of what “Minimum Service Levels” will mean in specific sectors, plus publication of…
Trades Council objects to rail station ticket office closure plan
If the railway wants to attract the new users and be as inclusive as possible, then the “purchase from a person” choice should remain. A far more important priority is to reform the hideously complex charging system on the railway with its enormous variations in price, and to get back a sense that it is a public service which needs to take account of public views in the matter of its delivery. The scale of the response to the ticket office consultation is an indication of the extent to which the rail industry lacks the confidence of the public it is supposed to serve.
The NHS at 75
The coincidence of the 75th “birthday” of the NHS with acute public awareness of ways in which our health system is currently under stress has pushed the issue of healthcare up the political agenda and prompted a wide range of reflection on what the future holds. Millions are on waiting lists or long-term sick. In…
Trades Council writes to local MPs in support of “Save Our Schools” Lobby on 20.06.23
June’s Trades Council meeting decided that we should write to our three local MPs on Tuesday 20th June to express our support for the “Save Our Schools” Lobby of the House of Commons. Here is the text of the letter sent: “We are writing to record our support for the Lobby of Parliament that has…