It suits the Government to present the current inflationary pressure on our living standards as something very abstract and global, that nobody is responsible for. It is a helpful explanation if you want to say that there is only so much that can be done and that everybody is, to a greater or lesser degree,…
Author: bdtuc
Treat Conservative Council Tax claims with caution
In the lead up to the 2022 Local Council elections, senior figures in the Conservative Party made much of the claim that Conservative Councils set lower levels of Council Tax. Oliver Dowden, for instance, said that “Conservative councils charge the lowest taxes in the country”. And Victoria Atkins said that “If you look across the…
We need to organise to address the “wage share” and inequality
Most Trade Unionists would agree that one of the big issues facing us in Britain today is the decline in Trade Union membership since the 1970s. One of the reasons we have partnered with the Ella Barker School of Organising to run an online session on Tuesday 3rd May: Strategy, Power and Union Resurgence (…
DWP office closures – Trades Council writes to MP over Cardwell Place, PIP and Civil Service jobs
On 17th March the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) announced that it intended to make large-scale office closures all over the country. Amongst the offices affected is Cardwell Place in Blackburn. April’s Trades Council meeting agreed to support the PCS campaign against these closures and to write to Blackburn’s MP, Kate Hollern, on the…
Is our Trades Council on its last legs?
Any organisation, like our Trades Council, which must depend entirely on volunteers, fears one threat above all others – that there will be no-one available to take on the roles necessary for it to function effectively. At this year’s Annual General Meeting, which took place last week, we found ourselves within a whisker of this…
Trades Council responds to Second State Pension Age Review
Current legislation on British Pensions means that the State Pension age will rise to 67 in 2028 and to 68 by 2046. It also provides for regular Reviews. The first of these took place in 2017, and it said that the Second Review should consider bringing forward the date for the State Pension age to…
International Workers Memorial Day – Thursday April 28th, 11.30am, Sudell Cross, Blackburn
Workers’ Memorial Day, held on 28 April every year, brings together workers and their representatives from all over the world to “remember the dead and fight for the living”. In 2022 the theme is: “Make safe and healthy work a fundamental right”. Join us in Blackburn at 11.30am on Thursday 28th April as we return…
Trades Council considers Local Skills Improvement Plan and Transport-for-the-North consultation on Frieght
January’s Trades Council meeting considered the issue of the Lancashire Local Skills Improvement Plan (LSIP), which stems from a government white paper ‘Skills for Jobs’. Delegates received a report which gave details of the project but raised doubts on the extent to which it relied on employers to predict the skills required in the future. …
Blackburn City Bid
Delegates at November’s online Trades Council meeting discussed the announcement that Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council intended to participate in the “Platinum Jubilee Civic Honour Competition” and seek a grant of “city status” It was noted that this status is purely “honorific”, and that it entailed no actual change in features such as political structure…
October Trades Council meeting 2021
Trades Council meetings continue to be held online, with delegates preferring to take a cautious approach and agreeing to review the situation in January. Maybe we have got too used to not having to gulp down our tea and head off into a cold and rain-swept night! But we also do get sobering insights from…